Why future-proof your leadership?

At Holos, we specialise in helping organisations create the kind of culture that will deliver sustained success in a disrupted environment.  Digitisation, decarbonisation, the ageing population, the need for sustainability, the new space race and of course the pandemic are disrupting every sector.

Authentic leadership is the only superpower that can enable sustained success for organisations, communities, and societies in this environment. 

As leaders and facilitators, this requires us to not only teach skills but to create a mindset within teams and individuals that is based on inter-dependence, collaboration, and innovation underpinned by psychological safety. We need to support people to get outside of their comfort zone, be vulnerable and step beyond what feels safe and what they know. 

As organisations transform, we as leaders need to reliably role model authentic leadership to support others to understand it and live it, through all of the stress, stretch and challenge.

Check out our FAQ’s for more information here.

What people had to say about Future-Proof Leadership

Space is limited to 18 participants

The programme takes place over the course of approximately two and a half months with ½ day opening and closing sessions as well as 4 full-day sessions during the period.

The details

What will you get from the programme?

  • Richer knowledge to facilitate transformation and grow competitive advantage
  • The insight to develop other leaders able to create the conditions for sustained success in disrupted environments 
  • Reliably facilitate individuals and teams to work emergently: building the bridge as they walk on it
  • Leading-edge strategies, insights, tools, and frameworks 
  • The ability to master disruption and uncertainty with confidence and skill
  • Increased resilience to manage emotional triggering (your own and others) 
  • New ways of thinking about self, team and systemic leadership, supporting you to be the best version of yourself
  • Links and connections to a community of practice, with challenging and loving new friends and peers 

What’s covered?

  • A cutting-edge personal Leadership 360 report followed by debrief by one of the Holos faculty 
  • The opportunity to have real-time feedback on your personal facilitation style and impact in order to take it to the next level 
  • 4 main blocks of content, dealing with: 
    • A deep dive into the post-conventional context and what this means for leading and facilitating 
    • Frameworks for design, contracting, opening, visioning, and closing 
    • Mastery of agility, presence and dealing with individual and group process, especially emotional triggering 
    • Applications, practice, and hacks that enable you to work with colleagues to transform your facilitative leadership and influence outcomes in an interdependent way
  • In addition to joining self-directed small learning pods, you will also embark on a personal change project unique to your own needs and level of development.

Who is it suitable for?

  • You want to confidently master ambiguity with awareness and skill
  • You need to create agile, resilient people and culture but don’t know how
  • You repeatedly see essential organisational growth is thwarted by stuck behaviours
  • You would like more practice and structure for leading in emergent, non-linear ways, especially with senior teams
  • You have experience leading and/or facilitating teams in corporate, public or third sector organisations 
  • You are working towards purpose-driven outcomes in your own career
  • You are working as an independent or are employed by an organisation

The Framework

The programme lasts approximately two and a half months from beginning to end. There are a total of six sessions – 2 half days and 4 full days. There is an application process and once confirmed, you will embark on the Facilitation 360 in order to get a clear understanding of where your opportunities to improve lie. A rich 1:1 debrief session with a Holos Faculty facilitator will assist you in setting your goals for the programme.
The Opening session will take place virtually over a ½ day with all participants and facilitators where you will discuss the core concepts and get orientated. Participants will be grouped into pods of 5 or 6 for the duration.

Then there will be 4 x 1-day virtual sessions on the key focus areas: Being Post-Conventional, Connecting & Triggering, Structure & Hacks and Impact. Between the sessions you will be encouraged to meet virtually, as a learning pod for self-directed learning and peer support.

Throughout you will be working on an individual “Personal Change Project” to embody the goals that you set in the pre-programme phase for yourself.

And finally, during the Closing Session, a ½ day virtual get-together, there will be a peer review and you will receive your certification.

After the programme is over, you can incorporate FPL into your own practice and continue to work on your Personal Change Project. All participants will be invited to join the Holos Community of Practice as well as Holocon, Holos’ annual virtual conference.

The crucible of experience

The Holos Future-Proof Leadership faculty have worked at the cutting edge of leadership and facilitation for many years, working in some of the most challenging corporate environments of the last decade. Collectively we share more than 200+ years of such facilitation experience working successfully with leaders, teams, and systems. 

That said, we do not claim to have all the answers and look in every encounter to share and develop our knowledge of how to have better impact and collaboration with other like minds. In many ways this programme is designed around sharing experiences, rather than something taught. 

The culture we seek to create is to set up peer-supported experiences we can all learn from, including self-directed ‘pods’ and learning groups where co-coaching, wisdom, hacks, and rich and challenging feedback are all built in. 

The facilitators

Programme FAQs

About Holos

Holos is a virtual consultancy specialising in Leadership, Culture and Change. We have zero offices or employees and 150 brilliant partner level members.

Our origins are in supporting BP and Barclays culture change projects since 2010. Holos was formed in response to consolidate and offer a new way to deliver organisational change, as well as offer our learning and expertise to other clients.

We believe transformation occurs at the habit level. We work with senior teams, through a combination of coaching and workshops to design their target culture and embody the habits that will enable it.  We continue to work with those teams to enrol the rest of the organisation.

Holos runs projects ranging from single team to whole organisation and cultural transformation.  

Our USP is in the Post-Conventional Context – we help conventional organisations transform to deliver Sustained Success in these uncertain times of constant change.

Space is limited to 18 participants

The programme takes place over the course of approximately two and a half months with ½ day opening and closing sessions as well as 4 full-day sessions during the period.