Who is PINY

Piny is an executive coach and consultant who helps executives and professionals rediscover their purpose in their career and get the clarity they need to live & lead with more impact. Piny was a corporate M&A lawyer for 14 years in Sydney and Hong Kong.

Laid off in December 2019, she packed one suitcase and heard Cambodia call her home in early 2020. Her last role was the Head of Legal for Australia’s largest retail bank in Hong Kong, where she lived for six years. 2020 and 2021 were Piny’s years of giving back. She became a full-time volunteer with children’s education NGO Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF) in Phnom Penh, after a profound visit to its facilities. She was also appointed as the first Cambodian to the CCF Hong Kong Board where she advised on best corporate governance practices and helped the Global boards with strategy, fundraising and board member relations.

Experiences and passions

Piny mentored young entrepreneurs and became the President of a non-profit Cambodian society, and co-launched an online women’s talk show. During Covid, she was asked how she transformed her own life and knew she wanted to help others transform too. She naturally evolved into a Purpose & Mindset Coach and Business Consultant.

As a coach, she combines her corporate experience, strategic insight and perception with empathy, intuition and compassion. She uses all of these to help her clients get clarity in their career when they feel confused or hesitant.

As a consultant, she advises on corporate strategy, developing emerging leaders and women in leadership, organisational structure and resourcing, connected communication and staff and team engagement. Piny works with all stakeholders from junior and support staff, senior management and the C-level through to the Board.


The biggest shift for me is to gain a different perspective in a seemingly very negative situation
and turn it into positive energy, the shift in mindset was very powerful

KQ, Asset Management Director