HOLOCON2021 ran from 23 to 25 March 2021 as a global virtual event. Timed to work for Asian, European and US participants.
For a great many people 2020 was a challenging year. It threw into sharp relief something that we have probably known for some time: As a species, we are going in the wrong direction in many critical areas. If we are going in the wrong direction it is because we are following the wrong leaders.
At Holocon2021, we asked these critical questions:
- Why, given all of the books on leadership, do we still have so many of the wrong leaders?
- Why do we follow them?
- Why are there so many of them?
- What does the right kind of leadership look like?
- How do we find them? How do we be them?
The speakers at Holocon2021 included:
- Manley Hopkinson – Compassionate Leadership Speaker & Author
- Line Hadsbjerg – Author, documentary filmmaker and founder of Cleanwave Foundation
- Steen Hjortholm – Vice President People & Culture, Philip Morris International
- Trudie Adcock – Global Enterprise Learning Director, Astra Zeneca
- Sarah Bolas – Director of Consultancy, MCM Architecture & Planning
- Fadel Al Faraj – Managing Director, Kuwait Petroleum
- Dr Victoria Hurth – Fellow of the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership & Visiting Fellow of Judge Business School
- Steve Hall – Facilitator & Author
There were also a number of facilitated sessions from Holos faculty members with subjects that include:
- Leadership for wellbeing
- Move to high-performance leadership
- The Megatrends strategic leadership tool
- Embracing change post COVID
- The neurology and psychology of change
- Becoming an authentic leader
Holocon2022 will take place on March 15, 16 & 17, 2022. Stay tuned for updates!
Holocon2020 ran over two days in January 2020. About 80 participants came to explore the theme of Post Conventional and beyond. The first day was taken up with keynote presentations, videos, and discussion. The second day was run in Open Space with participants running an amazing array of inspiring and enlightening sessions.